Ok, so I am really slacking on this project. The little free time I did have this week went to Christmas shopping. Unfortunately, my crafting comes last : (
But on a positive note, I am pretty much done my Christmas shopping, heck yeah!!
So I embark upon my December Daily journey, I'm approaching this project with an open mind & no real rules. This will give me the creativity & permission to do as I please. I started by gathering all my favorite Christmas papers & embellishments. I also hit AC Moore for a few Thickers, and used the Teresa Collins kit given to me by my friend Wendy. I also downloaded a few digital goodies from Ali on Designer Digitals. I made a list of 25 of our families most treasured memories/traditions. Bryan, Paulina & Natalya helped too (which I loved). For about 2 weeks I searched December Daily on the web, Pinterest, Instagram & blogs. I mulled around ideas. And then just dug in! I created for an entire day none stop. I created my cover and put together several pages. I didn't want to do too much prep on the pages. I wanted a little spontaneity for each of my 25 prompts. So here is what I've created so far. I have only journaled for the first day, I know, sad but true. But at least I have the foundation down for the first week...right?
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